Friday 5 February 2016

the most naked city revealed

The cities where people are most likely to be naked around the house revealed

A new survey has revealed the city where people relax in the nude

Not put off by the drizzly weather and damp climate that blights the British Isles, the residents of Cardiff are the most likely to wander about the house naked, according to a new poll.
The results were part of a survey by Domino’s which looked into how habits at home have changed since smartphones and tablets have become commonplace.
To compile the poll, 2,154 adults across UK and Ireland were quizzed about their behaviour.
The results showed that Cardiff was the city where people were most likely to relax in their birthday suits at home.
The Welsh capital was followed by the port city of Southampton while Bristolians also made the top three.
It also revealed that almost one in five people will put on their pyjamas as soon they get home from work.
The clothing was most popular among 18 to 24 year-olds, which those aged between 25 to 34 opted for the comfort of the onesie.
But it was 45 to 54-year-olds were most likely to cast aside worry about the heating bill and lounge in the nude

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spill it!!!